Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

Assessing progress and performance with authentic and alternative assessment techniques



Assessment in statistics education poses a challenge for both teachers and students since assessment must be applied within a reality where diverse students have multiple goals, backgrounds and attitudes, where the subject interacts with many other areas, and where technologies are used in ways that enable students to create their own learning process and environments. This session focuses on papers that examine ways to assess progress and performance in statistics education in both small and large classes, by using authentic and alternative assessment techniques that involve teachers and students as active agents in the assessment process. Such assessments should provide both teachers and students with valuable information about students’ knowledge and the success of teaching techniques. This will encourage students to develop study habits that are necessary for their success in learning statistics, maintain fairness, and improve student self-esteem.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
5A1Assessment within Census at School: a pilot program in the United StatesMartha Aliaga (United States)
Rebecca Nichols (United States)
5A2Contrasting cases: the “B versus C” assessment tool for activating transferRachelle Hackett (United States)
5A3Assessing pre-service teachers’ conceptions of randomness through project workCarmen Batanero (Spain)
Pedro Arteaga (Spain)
Blanca Ruiz (Mexico)
Rafael Roa (Mexico)