This paper is from Session 5A: Assessing progress and performance with authentic and alternative assessment techniques
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which comes under Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

Assessment within Census at School: a pilot program in the United States




Census at School is an internationally developed program for grades 4–12 operating in the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and South Africa. By collecting data about their classmates, students learn data analysis and statistical concepts. Introducing the program in the United States now is particularly opportune, as the decennial census is being conducted this year. The U.S. Census at School evaluation involves two parts: implementation analysis and impact analysis. The first stage, implementation analysis, will cover teacher training, rating of trainers, video class instruction, survey of teachers, and time by activity. In this presentation, we will focus on aspects of the study that are under way, including training and observing teachers.