This paper is from Session 5A: Assessing progress and performance with authentic and alternative assessment techniques
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

Assessing pre-service teachers’ conceptions of randomness through project work




In this paper we present results of assessing conceptions of randomness in a sample of 215 prospective primary school teachers in Spain. Data were collected as a part of a statistical project where teachers first collected data from a classical experiment directed to assess their intuitions of randomness, then analysed these data and produced a report where they had to justify their conclusions. Conceptions are first analysed from the data collected in the experiments and secondly from the teachers’ written reports. Results show a good perception of expected values in a series of experiments and poor conceptions of variation and independence in random sequences. These results also indicate a need for better statistics preparation of these teachers and illustrate the usefulness of working with statistical projects in assessing the teachers’ knowledge and improving their statistical and pedagogical knowledge.