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This is a session of Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Creating an evidence-based society



When someone produces a new gadget, a manual with instructions is attached. Nobody expects to buy a car without the manual. How else could people become competent in the use of such items in their daily life? On the other hand, statisticians working for different institutions of society produce large amounts of statistical information which directly or indirectly get released to the general public without instruction manuals. The population uses the summary statistics and graphs to make decisions important to their lives without knowing whether the evidence provided by the numbers is appropriate for that decision and context. How could they know without directions? Most members of the general population are not statisticians.

To create an evidence-based society, everybody producing statistical information must assume the responsibility of providing an instructions manual of some sort to help the public use the information properly and in the right context. How else would we expect to make the public competent in the use of the statistical information for decision making? School and university alone is insufficient to achieve that in an era producing statistical information at the speed of light, almost. In this session, we bring to your attention research on creative and effective ways of helping users of statistical information, in the population at large and different areas of society and contexts, become competent in the use of statistical information for making important decisions in their lives.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
1F1Wikis, dynamic charts, videos and other innovative tools to transform statistics into knowledgeEnrico Giovannini (Italy)
1F2What we know and what we should know; examples of ways of helping real users of statistical informationMaria Manuel da Silva Nascimento (Portugal)
José Alexandre Martins (Portugal)
1F3Analysis of clustered measurements: a comparison of the performance of foundation year students, 1994 cohort, with those of direct students, 1995 cohort, at the University of Limpopo, South AfricaMaseka Lesaoana (South Africa)
Maupi Letsoalo (South Africa)