This paper is from Session 1F: Creating an evidence-based society
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which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

What we know and what we should know; examples of ways of helping real users of statistical information




With and within our classes we would like to effectively contribute to create an evidence-based society. From our past experiences with the students in various services courses, the project work approach seems to have the main components to motivate teachers and students to develop a cooperative work mainly aiming the students to be acquainted with the statistical methods. Since our students (future Engineers and Oenologists) will be users of statistical information they developed a survey to study the use(s) of statistics in their own areas. With the project approach we used the data to explore statistical concepts and to use statistical information to make some decisions in their one professional area of (future) work and even in their own lives.