This paper is from Session 1F: Creating an evidence-based society
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Wikis, dynamic charts, videos and other innovative tools to transform statistics into knowledge



The development of web 2.0 and other Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are creating a revolution in the way information is produced and shared among different interest groups and individuals. Concepts like “collective intelligence”, “crowdsourcing” and “prosumers” are at the basis of successful initiatives like Wikipedia, Innocentive, Facebook and other platforms used to develop both free and fee products and services widely appreciated, especially by new generations. How are these trends affecting the statistical world? Can “official” data providers continue to play their role just by introducing new ICT tools without changing their business model? The purpose of this paper is to discuss where the valued added of statistics comes from and the way in which information is spread in society. Some experiences about the use of innovative communication tools/approaches are also highlighted.