10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
List of all workshops

Workshop G (Sunday 8th, 09:30-16:00; Room: 2-Med)

Developing statistical literacy related to civic statistics: Guidelines and classroom resources from ProCivicStat



Note that Iddo Gal will be joined by other members of the ProCivicStat project in presenting this workshop.

This workshop is aimed for lecturers, school teachers, and trainers who want to develop students' knowledge and understanding regarding statistics about society, i.e., "civic statistics" which relate to, e.g., crime, poverty, employment, income, and other social and economic contexts. The workshop is based on work by ProCivicStat, a collaboration of 6 universities from 5 countries, funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union. We will review the unique characteristics of civic statistics (which involve dynamic, multivariate phenomena, rich texts, rich visualizations) and a conceptual model regarding knowledge needed to understand civic statistics; use coordinated lesson plans involving texts from media and official providers, analyse datasets on socially-relevant topics with visualization tools; and discuss ideas for teaching practices, curriculum design, assessment, and promoting statistical literacy.

Bring your own laptop.

Includes lunch.

For questions and additional information, contact the organizer/presenter above.