10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

Topic 10

Organisations and collaboration in statistics education



In a world that is increasingly interconnected and shares more and more common challenges, collaboration of any kind has important potential to create new synergies and insights. Collaborations of practitioners and researchers in statistics education from different countries enrich our collective understandings of sustainable teaching innovations in well-resourced educational environments. Within countries with diverse levels of resources, collaboration between statistics educators at contrasting institutional bases may be mutually beneficial and give rise to sustainable initiatives addressing inequities of education in contrasting situations of need and privilege.

The sessions in this topic will explore current collaborative practice and to envisage new modes facilitated by use of the many tools becoming available in an information age. Interactions between official statistics agencies and schools, between industry and universities, and between professional societies and statistics educators and students exhibit the power of cross-disciplinary activities. There is much to be learned through different structures of collaboration “looking back”, building upon what has worked for “looking forward”.


10ACollaboration between industries/international-connections and university-level education:Jane Watson (Australia)
10BActivites related to interaction with schoolsJane Watson (Australia)
10CBuilding Statistics Capacity at University through Industry-integrated skills Development Collaborative Projects (panel)Delia North (South Africa)
10DASA international collaborations to promote Statistics at the school Level (panel)Christine Franklin (United States)
10EThe Statistics Education Research Journal: A new era (panel)Christine Franklin (United States)