10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

Topic 1

Statistics education: Looking back, looking forward



Topic 1 addresses aspects of how we got to where we are now, innovations with implications for future practice, and where we are, or should be, heading. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Historical development of some aspects of statistics education, or some aspects of statistics itself (though the latter should include an educational-use perspective) and what this means for the continued evolution of how we think and act statistically
  • Current innovations (e.g., pedagogical/technological/social/ …) and what implications these have going forward
  • Projected or desired futures and strategies for statistics education. Examples include:
    • Data science, big data, data visualisation
    • Enlarging the statistical tent to include complementary areas associated with social science or computer science
    • Developing critical thinking, communication and teamwork in statistical education
    • Ethics and social responsibility in statistics
    • Curricular reform, assessment reform and teaching/learning innovations to drive and respond to the future of statistics education


1AAn Innovative Educational Model of Elementary Statistics Course with MOOC, PBL, and AI (panel)Shizue Izumi (Japan)
1BStatistical education software: Looking back and looking forwardAmelia McNamara (United States)
1CStatistics Education: What, how and with whom?Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel (United States)
1DOut of the past and into the future: a global perspectiveRobert Gould (United States)
1EAssessment: its lessons and effectsJim Ridgway (United Kingdom)
1FStatistics as a Liberal Art and the Real WorldRhys Jones (New Zealand)
1GBackwards and forwards with researchMarie Fitch (New Zealand)
1HData science, technology and the futureAlison Gibbs (Canada)
1IThe significance of establishment of Japanese Inter-organizational Network for Statistics EducationYasuto Yoshizoe (Japan)
1JStatistics education for business, an undergraduate program and a graduate program (panel)Tadashi Imaizumi (Japan)