10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
This paper is from Session 3D: Preparing pre-service statistics teachers across the grade levels
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level

Paper 3D3 (Friday 13th, 14:00-15:30)

Statistical Understanding of Pre-service Elementary Teachers



Previous research has pointed to a lack of textbooks containing statistics content consistent with the GAISE report for content courses for pre-service elementary teachers. Furthermore, the Statistics Education for Teachers report advocated for a greater focus on the statistical process for these future teachers. This study examines differences in students’ conceptual understanding of statistics between two different methods of teaching statistics during a six-week portion of a content course for pre-service elementary teachers. The first method followed the standard textbook version of the course while the second method focused on the statistical process through relevant situations for future elementary teachers. Students’ conceptual understanding was measured using the Levels of Conceptual Understanding of Statistics Test, as well as regular coursework.

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