10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
This paper is from Session 3C: Modern data and visualizations in the introductory statistics course
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Statistics education at the post-secondary level

Paper 3C2 (Monday 9th, 11:00-12:30)

Keeping it Real with Data Visualization




Data visualizations can excite and engage students with multivariate thinking about REAL data. Modern software tools, including professional-grade packages and free on-line tools, allow students to interact with data with social, political and environmental importance. This interactivity helps bridge the gap between theory and decision-making with data, fosters intellectual curiosity and exploration of “what if” scenarios, and facilitates the communication of findings and results, as well as addressing several recommendations of the ASA’s 2016 GAISE report. In this talk we’ll explore the role of interactive visualizations in statistical education and will use publicly available data to illustrate dynamic tools for data visualization.

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