10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan

Special Interest Groups

Meetings of Special Interest Groups of people who are interested in exchanging and discussing experiences and/or projects concerning a well-defined theme of common interest.


1: Short courses for non-statisticians in the workplace

Monday 9th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 2-Sem3



Statistical skills are highly sought after with more professionals seeking formal training in generic methods. We are interested in exploring the development of short courses aimed at giving transferable skills for the workplace. Moving the focus away from exam attainment to practical applications has implications for delivery, altering the teacher-student relationship. The aim of this SIG is to share experiences of delivery of such courses, and how others might be encouraged to venture into this area.


2: The Scientific Production in Statistical Education in Latin America

Monday 9th, 18:30-19:30
Location: 2-Sem3



In the last decade, Latin America has presented significant scientific production in Statistical Education. The increase of researchers in the area has made it possible to carry out research at different levels of education and with different focuses of study. This fact, leads us with to propose this meeting with the purpose of to discuss the future researches and joint project articulations involving different countries. Some researchers have already confirmed their participation in the meeting. They are: Lucía Zapata-Cordoba; Cristina Agudelo, Marcos Magalhães, Audy Salcedo, Regina Grando, Leandro Souza, Luzinete Mendonça.


3: Data Science Education

Monday 9th, 12:45-13:45
Location: 2-Sem2



In this informal gathering we will discuss issues and strategies with respect to bringing about data science education at pre-college levels. Possible focal question include: How is data science in schools similar to and different from statistics in schools? What does it look like when learners are doing data science? Is data science a subject, a set of skills, habits of mind, all of the above? What are different countries doing to bring about data science learning in schools? We will break into discussion groups around the topics attendees find most interesting.