10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C258

In session C9A  (Thursday 12th, 11:00-12:30,   Level 3 - Conference Room B)

Introductory Statistics with Deferred Uni Variate for Long Term Academic Degree Program


Lita Pertiwi (STIS 53 Social Division, Indonesia)
Febry Utami (STIS 56 Computer Division, Indonesia)
Noor Laila (STIS 53 Economic Division, Indonesia)
Aulia Dini (STIS 53 Economic Division, Indonesia)
Nuha Gunawan (STIS 53 Social Division, Indonesia)


Nuha Gunawan (Indonesia)


There are certain long-term statistical educations such as four-year academic degree statistical polytechnic. These thought may not be directly applicable to short-term statistical education such as four-month non-degree course. In official statistics, multi variate is used to start long-term statistical education. Supporting infrastructure necessary includes: 1) Bi variate stratification of universe, 2) Two way dummy table for census publication, 3) Complete enumeration or census questionnaire, 4) Custom made tabulation software Multi variate always uses actual census publication and questionnaire. This way, firstly, introductory statistics avoids any dichotomy of cluster sampling and stratified sampling. Secondly, introductory statistics initiates with available options in the universe for stratification. Thirdly, it starts with non-physical contiguity (spatial boundary). Lastly, it establishes given probability P(B/A=k & C=j) instead of P(B).

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