10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C247

In session C7J  (Wednesday 11th, 9:30-10:30,   Level 2 - Seminar Room 1)

Specialist and Non-Specialist Students' Attitudes Towards Statistics


Zainal Abidin Koemadji (University of Leicester, United Kingdom)
Professor Janet M. Ainley (University of Leicester, )


Zainal Abidin Koemadji (United Kingdom)


This study is about students’ attitudes towards statistics courses in higher education institutions in Indonesia. The participants were students from a Mathematics Education department (MED) as specialist students, and students of English language teaching (ELT) as non-specialist students. Both groups of students experienced a teaching intervention design to encourage active learning. Data were collected through observations during the teaching sessions, and interviews with a sample of students at the end of the teaching intervention. Phenomenographic analysis of the data showed that the specialist students express their interest in statistics in a long term (career) while for the non-specialist students had interest in short-term (study completion).

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