10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C213

In session C8B  (Wednesday 11th, 11:00-12:30,   Level 3 - Conference Room A)

Overcoming challenges with service courses in Statistics


Matina Rassias (United Kingdom)


Eight years have now passed since ICOTS8, when a novice educator shared her experience about teaching service courses in Statistics. Looking back, at the various challenges and opportunities raised within a decade of various changes which have affected the Statistics education, what is certain is that the educator ought to take responsibility towards statistical literacy. In this paper, by reflecting on our personal experience and the information conveyed by student data we aim to address some of the notable challenges and the undeniable benefits of a research-based education. Looking forward, we consider ways, including educational technologies, with which educators can facilitate the development of an inclusive learning community where specialist and particularly non-specialist students engage with Statistics and actively learn through dialogue and critical enquiry.

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