10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C182

In session C3B  (Monday 9th, 16:00-17:30,   Level 2 - Seminar Room 1)

Effects of statistical words on the way students view data


Hiroki Otani (Hiroshima University, Japan)
Hiroto Fukuda (Okayama University of Science, Japan)
Kaori Tagashira (Kanin Junior High School, Japan)
Hideki Iwasaki (Hiroshima University, Japan)


Hiroki Otani (Japan)


As statistics become increasingly important so does the need to enable students to draw reasonable conclusions about uncertain events. When students analyze and interpret data they need to be able to take into account not only the center but also the variation in the data. This paper reports the effects of statistical words on the way students view data by investigating the students’ written arguments. The practices were conducted in two different classes. The students had the same learning experience and the same teacher gave them the same task, but the teacher’s utterances concerning the statistical words were different between the classes. This result suggests that statistics teacher need to introduce the statistical words that represents the variation in data.

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