10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C178

In session C3B  (Monday 9th, 16:00-17:30,   Level 2 - Seminar Room 1)

A Three-tiered Training Program for Graduate Teaching Assistants


Lynette Hudiburgh (United States)


Contemporary buzzwords such as analytics, big data, and data science, plus the growing demand for individuals who can work with data, have led to record numbers of students being interested in taking statistics courses. Due to an increased demand for upper-level statistics courses, many universities rely on graduate teaching assistants to facilitate the introductory level courses. Unfortunately, not all graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) have the preparation necessary to be immediately successful in the classroom for a variety of reasons such as a lack of content preparation, a lack of teaching experience, and/or a lack of support. I will describe the evolution of our three-tiered GTA training program which we believe provides the required statistical content knowledge, the necessary pedagogical strategies, and a supportive learning community.

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