10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C168

In session C5B  (Tuesday 10th, 14:00-15:30,   Level 3 - Conference Room A)

An Integrative Work in Statistical Classes


Diana Kohan (National University of Entre Ríos, Faculty of Engineering, Argentina)
Teresita Terán (National University of Rosario, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Argentina)
Marisa Battisti (National University of Entre Ríos, Faculty of Engineering, Argentina)


Diana Kohan (Argentina)


Statistics is dictated in careers such as Engineering, Bio-engineering, Veterinary, Economic Sciences. It is often observed that students present difficulties when trying to apply contents of Statistics to real problems. We proposed to incorporate an integrative work from a real database during the course, in which the students must analyze topics already developed in class to carry out an analysis whose stages are parts of a whole in an application problem. As in the digital era is necessary the insertion of university culture, the task is to provide students with a first contact with different software available for data analysis. It is intended to enrich the formative and cognitive process of the students, allowing them to acquire skills inherent to statistical reasoning with critical spirit.

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