10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C167

In session C4C  (Tuesday 10th, 11:00-12:30,   Level 2 - Seminar Room 1)

Can a Simulation-Based Inference course be flipped?


Noelle Pablo (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, USA)
Beth Chance (Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, USA)


Noelle Pablo (United States)


"Simulation-based inference" has been advocated with the potential of improving student understanding of statistical inference, as well as the statistical investigative process as a whole. One justification is that the approach calls for improved pedagogy (i.e., more active learning and use of technology to explore statistical ideas). The “flipped classroom,” where students spend class time working on explorations and out-of-class time reading the text and watching videos, has also been gaining popularity in recent years. But can a simulation-based inference (SBI) course be flipped? In this study, the same instructor taught an SBI course as a flipped class and in a more traditional format during the same term. We explore differences in student attitudes, conceptual understanding, and course performance between the two sections.

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