10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C146

In session C6C  (Tuesday 10th, 16:00-17:30,   Level 2 - Seminar Room 1)

Building a culture of data driven decision making in higher education using data warehousing


Johnson Mwangi (Strathmore University, Kenya)
Bernard Alaka (Strathmore University, Kenya)


Johnson Mwangi (Kenya)


In this era of swelling global competition for students, disjointed data sources, snowballing education costs, and intensified regulatory requirements are driving the need for insight and analysis of the core business of higher education. Currently, majority of learning institutions rely on numerous transactional database systems standing in silos to manage their data and information. In order to perform data mining, regular data bases must be converted into a single integrated data source better known as data warehouse. Strathmore University has managed to centralize all its operational/transitional databases into an informational warehouse useful to decision makers to conduct analysis, prediction, and forecasting. The data warehouse has been implemented in four stages of data migration namely: data extraction, data cleaning and transformation, data archiving, and data visualization.

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