10th International
Conference on
Teaching Statistics
8 – 13 July 2018
Kyoto, Japan
Contributed paper list

Contributed Paper C117

In session C7E  (Wednesday 11th, 9:30-10:30,   Level 3 - Conference Room D)

Statistics: A Window to Understanding Diversity


Mahtash Esfandiari (United States)


Students who enter UCLA College of Letters and Science since the Fall Quarter of 2015 are required to take a diversity course as a graduation requirement. Currently more than 200 courses qualify, but, only three are offered in the Physical Sciences Division; one of which entitled “Statistics: A Window to Understanding Diversity” is developed by the author. This experienced-based course allows the students to learn the theory of diversity and simultaneously use statistical methods to analyze extensive data collected by the author on diversity climate at UCLA. Based on student input, this course enabled them to critically think about diversity issues, develop a better understanding of diversity climate at UCLA, and adjust more successfully to our campus, and the diverse world in which we live.

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