This paper is from Session 8G: Theoretical frameworks in statistics education research
which comes under Topic 8: Research in statistics education
(Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)
Cultural diversity in statistics education: bridging uniqueness
- Pieternella Verhoeven (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
- Dirk Tempelaar (Maastricht University, The Netherlands)
Learning does not take place in a vacuum. Culture, individual and social background influence how we learn. Differences in learning styles have always existed, but in recent years the emphasis has shifted to the cultural background of these differences. College students with different cultural backgrounds taking introductory statistics face a special challenge: besides employing growing differences in learning styles they also have different entrance levels. This results from a diversity in mathematics preparation during high school; it puts an extra burden on teachers taking into account these differences. Besides giving an overview of the current state of literature on this topic, this paper describes the results of an analysis of a recent Dutch study aiming to provide an insight in cultural differences in learning styles, attitudes and goal setting.