Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 8: Research in statistics education

(Tuesday 15th, 13:45-15:15)

Theoretical frameworks in statistics education research



In recent years, we notice an extensively increasing amount of research in statistics education that is based on various theoretical frameworks. These theoretical frameworks facilitate to investigate statistics teachers’ knowledge and beliefs, classroom practices or the statistical knowledge and beliefs of students or adults. Further, theoretical frameworks of current research approaches are partly based on elaborated frameworks in statistics education research or consist of new theoretical conceptions. Due to the huge amount of existing theoretical frameworks, this session will look at specific theoretical frameworks. In addition, this session will show further development of well-known frameworks and will connect new with existing and well elaborated frameworks of research into statistics education in respect to teachers, classroom practices and students’ learning.

In this session, Iddo Gal will act as a discussant. Thus, he will introduce the discussion of each paper by presenting a brief reflection highlighting main aspects and main questions.


PaperTitlePresenter / Co-author(s)
8G1Describing distributionsPip Arnold (New Zealand)
Maxine Pfannkuch (New Zealand)
8G3Cultural diversity in statistics education: bridging uniquenessPieternella Verhoeven (The Netherlands)
Dirk Tempelaar (The Netherlands)
8G4About central issues of mental model theory in context of learning statisticsMarkus Vogel (Germany)
Andreas Eichler (Germany)