This paper is from Session 1C: Statistics education outreach across the globe
which comes under Topic 1: Sustaining strengths and building capacity in statistics education

Outreach efforts to enhance statistical education and statistical literacy in Hungary
- Péter Kovács (University of Szeged, Hungary)
In order to improve statistical literacy, the institutions in the tertiary education have three target groups: students, academic staff, and external actors (citizens, secondary school students, etc.). I intend to focus on the Hungarian activities and open events for developing statistical literacy and statistical education within the framework of the International Statistical Literacy Project (ISLP), as well as the possibilities of a combined development of statistical and financial literacy for secondary school students. I emphasize how important it is for students to develop positive attitudes toward statistics and to develop the motivation of the teachers. I also review my own efforts to enhance statistic education at the tertiary level: rethink the content and the outcomes of the courses, the teaching methods, the IT tools, knowledge of students.