At this stage, the list of “participants” reflects people that are connected in some way with the conference. Once registrations start, it will correspond more correctly with actual participants.
Choose start of surname:
Ál Ag Ai Al Am An Ar As Aw Ba Be Bi Bl Bo Br Bu Ca Ch Cl CoCr Cu D Da De Di Do Du Dy Ec Ed Ei El En Er Es Ev Fa Fe Fi
Fl Fo Fr Fu Ga Ge Gi Go Gr Gu Ha He Ho Hu Hw In Is Iw Ja Ji
Jo Ju Ka Ke Ki Kl Ko Kr Ku La Le Li Lo Ly Ma Mb Mc Me Mi Mo
Mp Mu Na Nd Ne Ng Ni Nk No O Oe Og Ok Ol Or Ot Ov Pa Pe Pf
Ph Pi Po Pr Pu Qu Ra Re Ri Ro Ru Ry Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sm So Sp
St Sw Ta Te Th Ti To Tr Ty Um Us Ut Va Ve Vi Vo Wa We Wh Wi
Wr Xi Ya Yo Yu Za Ze Zh Zi
Others in this part of the alphabet:
Angela WadeAmy Wagler
Roger Wander
Frank Wang
Elizabeth Ward
Elin Waring
Kirsten Warwick
Thomas Wassong
Michiko Watanabe
Ann Watkins
Jonathan Watkins
Jane Watson
Heather Waugh
Name: | Ronald Wasserstein |
Country: | United States |
Email: | ron@amstat.org |
Webpage: | |
Affiliation: | American Statistical Association |
Committees: | Local organising committee |
Organiser for: | Session 5C (Thu 15:45) |
Presenting: | Plenary talk 4 (Fri 09:15) |
Invited paper: | 5C1 (Thu 15:45) |
Registered participant |