- Gail Burrill (United States)
- Adriana D’Amelio (Argentina)
- Bruno de Sousa (Portugal)
- Nicholas Horton (United States)
Presenter | Co-authors | ||
C101 | A graphical approach to examine inferential reasoning development | Sharon Lane-Getaz (United States) | |
C102 | How to organize effective and efficient group work in tutorials using indicator strips | Toni C. Stocker (Germany) | |
C104 | The potential of a grounded theory approach to study teaching probability | Andreas Eckert (Sweden) | |
C105 | Distance education of teachers of statistics | Jeffrey Hovermill (United States) | Brian Beaudrie |
C107 | Challenges in teaching medical statistics in developing country | Ashwani Kumar Mishra (India) | |
C108 | The wonderful lamp of Aladdin? Project work in engineering courses | Maria Manuel da Silva Nascimento (Portugal) | José Alexandre dos Santos Vaz Martins Assumpta Estrada |
C109 | After statistics reform: should we still teach significance testing? | Tony Hak (The Netherlands) | |
C111 | Measuring the basics of probabilistic reasoning: the IRT-based construction of the probabilistic reasoning questionnaire | Caterina Primi (Italy) | Kinga Morsanyi Francesca Chiesi |
C116 | A review of probability and statistics apps for mobile devices | Howard Edwards (New Zealand) | |
C117 | Games as a locus of self-empowered collaborative learning | Shonda Kuiper (United States) | Rod Sturdivant |
C119 | Fostering deep statistical learning using diversity content: the “statistics of sexual orientation” course | Michele DiPietro (United States) | |
C120 | Excel simulation as a tool in teaching sampling distributions in introductory statistics | Leslie Chandrakantha (United States) | |
C121 | Perceptions of undergraduate and executive students about the use of an exercise-based statistics website | André Samartini (Brazil) | |
C122 | Students’ understanding of confidence intervals | Robyn Reaburn (Australia) | |
C123 | Learning statistics in the first grades | Susana Colaço (Portugal) | |
C126 | Restructuring of disciplines in statistics based on students’ evaluation in online education programs | Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva (Brazil) | Suzi Samá Pinto |
C128 | Introductory statistics students’ conceptual understanding of variation and measures of variation in a distribution | Rachel Chaphalkar (United States) | Cindy Leary |
C129 | Exploration of problem solving processes of students with learning disabilities | Megan Mocko (United States) | Melissa Crow |
C130 | Normal inverse function in teaching inference about population mean and population proportion | Xiaoyi Ji (United States) | |
C131 | Reduced major axis regression: teaching alternatives to least squares | William Harper (United States) | |
C134 | It is time to include data management in introductory statistics | Robert H Carver (United States) | Mia Stephens |
C135 | Environmental interfaces in teaching statistics | Celso Ribeiro Campos (Brazil) | Otávio Roberto Jacobini Maria Lúcia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki Denise Helena Lombardo Ferreira |
C136 | Validity evidences of electronic attitudes scales towards statistics | Claudette Maria Medeiros Vendramini (Brazil) | Camila Cardozo Camilo Juliana Maximila de Paula Bueno |
C137 | Teaching statistics in a crisis zone | Irene David (New Zealand) | Hilary Seddon Jenny Harlow Jennifer Brown |
C139 | Formative assessment and learning analytics in statistics education | Dirk Tempelaar (The Netherlands) | |
C140 | Quality engineering: an experience in teaching statistics for engineers | Elisa Henning (Brazil) | Adelmo Anselmo Martins Marcelo Savio Ramos |
C141 | Learning objects for teaching statistics in engineering courses | Luciane Mulazani dos Santos (Brazil) | Elisa Henning Dátila Cristina Mondini |
C142 | Students’ conceptions of average and standard deviation | Véronique Dubreil-Frémont (France) | Christelle Chevallier-Gaté Noëlle Zendrera |
C143 | Meanings of probability in Spanish curriculum for primary school | Emilse Gómez-Torres (Colombia) | J Miguel Contreras |
C144 | Development of integrated quantity judgments: means of distributions appear more different than they are | Franca Agnoli (Italy) | Gianmarco Altoè Tatiana Marci |
C145 | Observations of implementations of an active learning module in introductory statistics | Jeremy Strayer (United States) | Nancy McCormick Lisa Green Scott McDaniel Ginger Holmes Rowell Natasha Gerstenschlager |
C146 | Training prospective teachers for teaching of probability at secondary school in Colombia | Emilse Gómez-Torres (Colombia) | |
C147 | Examining Venezuelan secondary school mathematics teachers’ professional competencies to teach statistics: focusing on the instruction of descriptive statistics | Orlando González (Japan) | |
C148 | Simulation illogic repaired | Patricia B. Humphrey (United States) | |
C149 | Preservice teachers’ awareness of variability | Edward Mooney (United States) | Dhimitraq Duni Elisha VanMeenen Cynthia Langrall |
C150 | A glimpse of two year college instructors’ understanding of variation in histograms | Monica Dabos (United States) | |
C151 | Middle and high school teachers’ transformative learning of center | Susan Peters (United States) | Jonathan D. Watkins Victoria Miller Bennett |
C155 | Investigation about curricular orientations in teaching statistics in Brazil and Mexico | Hugo Hernandez (Mexico) | Verônica Yumi Kataoka Claudia Borim da Silva Irene Cazorla |
C157 | An early start on inference | Edith Seier (United States) | |
C158 | Computer-aided graphics to teach eigenvalues and eigenvectors | Jaime Curts (United States) | |
C159 | Sustaining progress in statistics education in the United States through an analysis of the past 30 years of advancement | Katherine Halvorsen (United States) | John McKenzie, Jr. |
C160 | Exam question evaluation with Item Response Theory | Elisabeth Korendijk (The Netherlands) | Evert Jan Bakker |
C162 | Students’ social representation of statistics in the humanities and social sciences | Jean-Marie Marion (France) | Alain Bihan-Poudec |
C163 | Communication and collaboration in support of a significant mathematical learning | Joyce Furlan (Brazil) | Lia Marques Marocci |
C164 | Teaching precursors to data science in introductory and second courses in statistics | Nicholas Horton (United States) | Ben Baumer Hadley Wickham |
C167 | Attending to students’ thinking on bivariate statistical data at secondary level: two teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge | Sandra Quintas (Portugal) | Hélia Oliveira Rosa Tomás Ferreira |
C168 | Teaching innovations in introductory statistics courses | Ramon Gomez (United States) | |
C169 | High school teachers’ statistical reasoning about comparison of distributions of data in a computer environment | Santiago Inzunsa (Mexico) | José A Juárez |
C171 | The professional knowledge of German secondary school teachers about descriptive statistics | Stefanie Schumacher (Germany) | |
C172 | Peer assessment as active learning method | Tatjana von Rosen (Sweden) | |
C173 | The use of web resources in statistics education | Svetlana Tishkovskaya (United Kingdom) | Gillian Lancaster |
C176 | Teaching statistics concepts through stock market contexts | Larry Weldon (Canada) | |
C177 | Rethinking the intersection of statistics education and social justice | Lisa Poling (United States) | Nirmala Naresh |
C178 | On-line homework in probability and statistics: WeBWorK incorporating R | Bruce Dunham (Canada) | Davor Cubranic Djun Kim |
C182 | How students relate residuals behavior with parameter significance tests in a linear model: A case of study in a higher education Mexican institution | José Luis Ángel Rodríguez Silva (Mexico) | |
C183 | Stat321, an on-line statistics textbook based on intuitive inferential reasoning | Nicolas Greliche (France) | |
C184 | A case study of Cypriot primary school students’ use of a dynamic statistics software package for analyzing and interpreting data | Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris (Cyprus) | Irene Kleanthous |
C186 | Cognitive transfer outcomes for a simulation-based introductory statistics curriculum | Matthew Beckman (United States) | |
C187 | Fostering changes in confidence intervals interpretation | Ingrith Álvarez Alfonso (Colombia) | Luisa Andrade Felipe Fernández |
C188 | Individualised project assessments for statistics courses – the best of both worlds? | Robert Grant (United Kingdom) | Ahmed Younis |
C189 | Statistics content and pedagogy in a course for pre-service secondary math teachers | Kady Schneiter (United States) | |
C190 | Teaching statistics with lectures or activities: a comparative study | Jennifer L Loveland (United States) | Kady Schneiter |
C191 | Technology tools and success in statistics: interpreting the research | Jason Schenker (United States) | Shawn Fitzgerald Jian Li Emtiaz Rony |
C192 | How is success in statistics moderated by instructional practices used at the university level: interpreting 30+ years of research on the topic | Hanna Wilson (United States) | Shawn Fitzgerald Jason Schenker Jian Li |
C195 | Teaching undergraduates through statistical consulting | Hyun-Joo Kim (United States) | K Scott Alberts Scott Thatcher |
C196 | The status of reform in statistics education: A focus on the introductory course | Rossi Hassad (United States) | |
C197 | A 21st century teaching approach in statistics | Nelia S. Ereno (Philippines) | Allen F Vicente |
C198 | Assessment of students’ knowledge and skills in learning statistics in the 21st Century | Nelia S. Ereno (Philippines) | Allen F Vicente Liberty Grace Baay |
C199 | Probability and statistics in access exams to Spanish universities | Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz (Spain) | P. Díaz V. Mier P. Alonso |
C200 | Graduate teaching assistants’ beliefs, practices, and preparation for teaching introductory statistics | Nicola Parker (United States) | Elizabeth Fry Joan Garfield Andrew Zieffler |
C202 | Introductory statistics instructors’ practices and beliefs regarding technology and pedagogy | Elizabeth Brondos Fry (United States) | |
C203 | A shiny new opportunity for big data in statistics education | Karsten Maurer (United States) | |
C206 | A graphical illustration of binomial distributions | Kang Sup Lee (Korea) | Dong Joo Yang |
C208 | The interactive submarine: using boxplots as a likelihood approach | Pedro Campos (Portugal) | |
C209 | Analysis of linear regression in Spanish baccalaureate textbooks | Luis J Rodríguez-Muñiz (Spain) | P. Díaz |
C210 | Just sum the marks: spurious wisdom | Timothy Dunne (South Africa) | |
C212 | An evaluation of the statistical methods used by business researchers in South African publications | Gary D Sharp (South Africa) | Warren J Brettenny Chantelle M Clohessy Catherine G Logie |
C213 | Statistical consultation as part of statistics education | Lizelle Fletcher (South Africa) | |
C214 | The role of lecturers in students’ performance | Klára Kazár (Hungary) | |
C215 | Sustaining student engagement in a college statistics course through a reflective teaching model using youth statistics | Liza Lorena Jala (Philippines) | Enriqueta Reston |
C216 | Teachers’ confidence in teaching statistical ideas | Rosemary Callingham (Australia) | Jane M. Watson |
C217 | The impact of an inverted traditional teaching model on first level statistics students | Lizelle Fletcher (South Africa) | Fransonet Reyneke |
C218 | Istat’s new tools in teaching statistics to digital natives | Barbara Ascari (Italy) | Marina Peci |
C219 | Teaching NHST vs Bayesian inference in post-secondary technology programs | John H. Mott (United States) | Erin E. Bowen |
C220 | Integrating learning technologies for applied statistics in distance education at the graduate level: challenges and strategies | Erin E. Bowen (United States) | |
C223 | What’s missing in teaching probability and statistics: building cognitive schema for understanding random phenomena | Sylvia Kuzmak (United States) | |
C226 | How I learned to stop worrying about it and just teach MBA 5800 (with apologies to Dr. Strangelove) | Alan S Chesen (United States) | |
C227 | Business management students’ attitude and performance in statistics learning in Nigeria Metropolitan College of Technology | Adeyemi D Aromolaran (Nigeria) | Abiodun Karim Emmanuel Ikegwu Uneke Okoroafor Yemisi Ajiboye |
C228 | Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses of students’ developmental levels in learning statistics | Rini Oktavia (Indonesia) | M. Alejandra Sorto |
C229 | Using Calibrated Peer Review™ in introductary statistics courses | Melissa Q Pittard (United States) | William S Rayens |
C232 | Metonymy as a lens into student understanding of sampling distributions | Stacey Hancock (United States) | Jennifer Noll |
C234 | IPUMS International: a data resource for statistics education | Patricia Kelly Hall (United States) | Lara Cleveland Matthew Sobek |
C237 | Teaching scientific integrity through statistics | Marijtje A.J. Van Duijn (The Netherlands) | Wendy J. Post |
C238 | Teaching hypothesis testing: a necessary challenge | Wendy J. Post (The Netherlands) | Marijtje A.J. Van Duijn |
C240 | Elements of variance analysis, evaluation of difficulties by questionnaire | Osmar D. Vera (Argentina) | Carmen Díaz Batanero |
C242 | Developing conceptual understanding: the role of interactive dynamic technology | Gail Burrill (United States) | |
C244 | Invariance and descriptive statistics | Guido del Pino (Chile) | |
C248 | Teaching box plots: An intervention using refutational text and multiple external representations | Stephanie Lem (Belgium) | Goya Kempen Eva Ceulemans Patrick Onghena Lieven Verschaffel Wim Van Dooren |
C249 | Is an active learning space better than traditional classroom for learning experience in a first year statistics tutorial class? | Ayse Bilgin (Australia) | Greg Robertson David Bulger |
C251 | Vergnaud's theory applied to basic school students’ statistical representations | Soledad Estrella (Chile) | Arturo Mena |
C252 | Examining graduate students’ prior mathematics/statistics experiences and their statistics self-perceptions: a third order structural model with latent variable analysis | Karen Larwin (United States) | |
C254 | Designing opportunities for students to reason about the relationship between sources and structures of data | Jennifer Nickell (United States) | Hollylynne S. Lee |
C256 | Graphical statistics as an option for the improvement of learning in Psychology | Mirian Agus (Italy) | Maribel Peró-Cebollero Joan Guàrdia-Olmos Maria Pietronilla Penna |
C257 | Education statistics for professional specialization: use of knowledge at the workplace of postgraduate in statistics | José Paúl Carrasco Escobar (Mexico) | |
C258 | A comparison of outlier labeling criteria in univariate measurements | Menus Nkurunziza (Burundi) | Lea Vermeire |
C259 | Statistical and mathematical self-efficacy of incoming students at a large public university | Ulrike Genschel (United States) | Andee Kaplan Alicia Carriquiry Elgin Johnston Wolfgang Kliemann Kenneth Koehler Ian Mouzon |
C260 | Clickers for engagement in the large undergraduate statistics classroom: do clickers improve final grades? | Krista Wilde (Canada) | |
C261 | Teaching statistics to non-statistics majors | Kolentino N. Mpeta (South Africa) | Diteboho Xaba Ellen Materechera Mamolahluwa Mokoena |
C262 | Overview of prospective mathematics teachers’ probabilistic thinking | Amable Moreno (Argentina) | José María Cardeñoso |
C263 | Real-time educational interpreting in statistics | Thomas L. Berning (South Africa) | |
C264 | The application of blended learning to large groups | Ivona E. Contardo-Berning (South Africa) | |
C266 | The garden sprinkler: an interactive web-based application for teaching design of experiments | Koen Rutten (Belgium) | Bart De Ketelaere Karl Siebertz David van Bebber |
C270 | Using the SETS instruments to investigate sources of variation in levels of pre-service teacher efficacy to teach statistics | Leigh Harrell-Williams (United States) | M. Alejandra Sorto Rebecca Pierce Teri Jo Murphy Larry Lesser |
C271 | Graduate students’ learning experience | Josefina Almeda (Philippines) | |
C273 | Assessing dimensionality of the communication, language and statistics survey: a multi-group analysis with introductory statistics students near the US-Mexico border | Amy Wagler (United States) | Lawrence M. Lesser |
C274 | Thinking out of the box in teaching statistics | Tim Low (South Africa) | |
C275 | Teaching statistics in a mathematics course in middle school: interdisciplinarity, really? | Annie Savard (Canada) | Dominic Manuel |
C276 | A view of statistics education research in Brazilian extreme south coast | Mauren Moreira Porciúncula da Silva (Brazil) | Suzi Samá Pinto Daiane Lemos de Sá Lidiane Santos de Freitas |
C277 | Twitter as a learning tool in higher education | Juan M. López-Zafra (Spain) | Sonia de Paz-Cobo |
C279 | Students' inferential reasoning about sample size | Ethan Brown (United States) | |
C283 | Against All Odds: Inside Statistics | Marsha Davis (United States) | |
C284 | A suggested theoretical basis for teacher learning in statistics | Fayez Mourad Mina (Egypt) | |
C286 | Teaching statistics in the Arab countries: the ambitions and the needs | Hanan Innabi (Jordan) | |
C287 | Enhancing statistical literacy and thinking through analysis of scientific journal articles | Mahtash Esfandiari (United States) | Kekona Sorenson Dave Zes Kevin Nichols |
C289 | Bridging the gap of manpower training for statistics education in Nigerian colleges of education: an empirical evaluation of some selected colleges in south-western Nigeria | Oluokun Kasali Agunloye (Botswana) | |
C290 | Teaching critical thinking through the introductory statistics class | Mark Ferris (United States) | Sherri Cheng Frank Wang Jessica Perolio |
C291 | Disabilities people: Quotas Law which may exist behind the RAIS statistics and census of IBGE | Paulo Oliveira (Brazil) |