This paper is from Session 9F: Sharing data for educational purposes (standards, databases, case studies)
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 16:30-18:00)

On and off-line dynamic data interrogation


  • Kate Richards (RSS Centre for Statistical Education, United Kingdom)



In this paper we describe an interactive Flash®-based data interrogation tool which interacts with large datasets of real data collected from learners around the world. The dynamic tool can be used online to access in real-time databases stored on the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education web server. It can also be used offline as a stand-alone facility to access local databases stored on the user’s PC. The tool has been developed to help improve learning and understanding of statistics and to demonstrate the importance of looking at data to help make evidence based decisions. We shall illustrate with examples of data interrogation aimed at helping students make trustworthy decisions from those data.