This paper is from Session 9F: Sharing data for educational purposes (standards, databases, case studies)
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 9: Technology in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 16:30-18:00)

Promoting statistical literacy: a European pilot project to bring official statistics into university and secondary school classrooms



Statistical literacy is part of the knowledge and information that represents a driving force in today’s fast-moving globalised economies. For young people it is recognised as a key qualification for employability. In the academic world, the growing demand for an education in statistics is nowadays met by combining traditional ways of learning with web-based communication environments. Statistical Offices ought to play an important role in promoting statistical literacy, but most of them still have not considered this as part of their central function. This paper presents an EU-funded project that aims at promoting statistical literacy amongst young people by providing an innovative e-course with interactive and dynamic components. The project involved the National Statistical Offices of Malta and Finland and a German State University. The main aims were to encourage international cooperation between statistical agencies and educational institutions and to promote shared use of the project output.