This paper is from Session 5B: Methods for large scale assessment of meaningful knowledge of statistics
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which comes under Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

The statistics items in the Brazilian National Student Performance Exam (ENADE)




The National Student Performance Exam is part of the Brazilian Higher Education Evaluation System and aims to assess the acquisition of competences, the development of abilities, and knowledge, which are considered essential for the student’s formation. The main of this exam is to analyze students’ changes and gains along their trajectory in the higher educational institution. We analyzed the items of the exam by Item Response Theory, and highlighted the items concerning statistics. We used information of 823,892 students from 48 knowledge areas selected by stratified random sampling from all Brazilian courses, from 2004 to 2006. The exam was composed of 40 questions. The statistics questions presented a higher grade of difficulty and significant differences were verified among gender and careers in Statistics items, which were the most difficult ones regardless of the areas.