Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

Methods for large scale assessment of meaningful knowledge of statistics



A primary objective of modern statistics education is to teach our students conceptual understanding and enable a process of statistical reasoning, with less attention to technical or computational aspects of analysis of data. With abstract and complex learning goals, finding proper methods of assessment has become more of a challenge than in earlier days. This session looks at research and findings regarding the development of assessment methods for large scale assessment. It focuses on assessment at university level introductory and intermediate level statistics courses, which are often taught to hundreds of students at a time, making it necessary to use methods that enable us to probe our students’ level of meaningful understanding in an efficient, yet reliable and valid way. In all presentations, leading questions will be: what learning goals should be assessed by the method under discussion? What evidence has been produced that the methods succeed in a valid and reliable assessment of these learning goals?


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
5B1The statistics items in the Brazilian National Student Performance Exam (ENADE)Claudette Vendramini (Brazil)
Samantha Oliveira Nogueira (Brazil)
Fernanda Luzia Lopes (Brazil)
5B2What do you know? Assessment beyond the traditional rolesSusan Starkings (United Kingdom)
5B3Text analytic tools for the cognitve diagnosis of student writingsTjaart Imbos (Netherlands)
Ton Ambergen (The Netherlands)