This paper is from Session 4F: Sensible use of multivariate software
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

A sampling of analyses and software use for cluster randomized trials over the last decade



  • Joop Hox (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)


In experimental research it is not always possible or desirable to randomize at the individual level; instead clusters of individuals are assigned to conditions. The clusters may be existing groups, like classes, families or communities; or may be established for the purpose of the trial, like therapy groups, where subjects within clusters are likely to respond more alike than subjects between clusters. Due to this dependency it is necessary to use hierarchical linear models, which are also referred to as multilevel models, when analyzing data of cluster randomized trials. A literature review over the last decade will summarize with which model data of cluster randomized trials have been analyzed and which software package has been used.