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This is a session of Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Sensible use of multivariate software



Multivariate statistical methods provide a way of analyzing a large amount of data with an overarching approach, allowing a realistic perspective on the nature of relationships among variables. Several multivariate methods and software are discussed to help teachers, researchers and policy makers effectively understand how a large body of information can be synthesized and integrated into a cohesive and meaningful quantitative summary. Topics and their related software issues include: evaluating the success of quantitative analyses with effect sizes and confidence intervals; analyzing cluster randomized trials; applying idiographic research methods; and factor analysis with Mplus, SPSS and the internationally available freeware, R.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
4F1Effect sizes and confidence intervals for multivariate analysis: how complete are published accounts of research in psychology?Fiona Fidler (Australia)
Jacenta Abbott (Australia)
Geoff Cumming (Australia)
Lisa L Harlow (United States)
4F2A sampling of analyses and software use for cluster randomized trials over the last decadeElly Korendijk (The Netherlands)
Joop Hox (The Netherlands)
4F3Applying idiographic research methods: two examplesWayne Velicer (United States)
4F4Exploratory factor analysis in Mplus, R and SPSSSigbert Klinke (Germany)
Wolfgang Härdle (Germany)
Andrija Mihoci (Germany)