This paper is from Session 4E: Heterogeneity of student levels
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which comes under Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Thursday 15th, 11:00-12:30)

An overview of techniques used in the teaching and assessing of knowledge and application of statistical skills across undergraduate levels



Teaching statistical methodology and application of such methodologies requires a varied approach depending on the abilities and level of expertise of students. This paper outlines some of the varying methods used in teaching and assessing statistics at different levels of an undergraduate degree program in Statistics. The discussion includes teaching methods used to instil a thorough understanding of the basic concepts that underpin statistical analysis to a student body with varied academic backgrounds and assessment strategies that are designed to provide frequent monitoring of students progress, for both students and instructors. Different approaches to delivery and assessment of more advanced methodologies and concepts, including approach to data analysis, problem solving skills and practical applications incorporating statistical IT literacy are also reviewed.