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This is a session of Topic 4: Statistics education at the post secondary (tertiary) level

(Thursday 15th, 11:00-12:30)

Heterogeneity of student levels



Whilst there may be some debate about the content of statistics syllabuses, in this session we are more concerned with the level when the subject matter is introduced. There may well be different approaches to teaching and assessment to reflect the (statistical) maturity of students and content may be treated in diverse ways, depending upon the recipients.

Many topics can be tailored to meet the needs and abilities of students at various levels. The pedagogic approach often depends on the balance between the use of modern statistical packages and the mathematical and statistical underpinning required.

There is also the problem of assessing students who are taught with those from a different level, as clearly they have different background knowledge and skills. For example would we expect more from higher level students and, if so, how do we diversify the assessment tasks to reflect the different learning outcomes expected?

Under this session, we consider the levels at which particular areas of the syllabus may be taught, perhaps influenced by the use of statistical computing packages, and what teaching, learning and assessment strategies will aid the management of cross-level groups.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
4E1Teaching critical thinking to first year university studentsJennifer Brown (New Zealand)
Irene David (New Zealand)
4E2Medical students and statistics challenges in teaching, learning and assessmentPhilip Sedgwick (United Kingdom)
4E3An overview of techniques used in the teaching and assessing of knowledge and application of statistical skills across undergraduate levelsRosie McNiece (United Kingdom)