This paper is from Session 3G: Diversity in types of teaching at the tertiary level
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

Equity and the increasingly diverse tertiary student population: challenges and opportunities in statistics education



Professional organizations and educators are increasing their focus on equity issues for the diverse (sub)populations they serve, such as second language learners. This focus is especially important in statistics because of the importance of context in both diversity and statistics, and because of the ways in which diversity issues interact with the actual practice and teaching of statistics. Also, there are many ways in which diversity and equity can be natural vehicles for motivating or exploring particular statistical concepts and content. Recently emerging evidence suggests that students in diverse classrooms can be motivated by such examples and there have been a variety of courses that have recently been developed to do this with varying emphases and degrees of integration. The totality of efforts in this area suggests that the challenges of teaching diverse populations ultimately yield opportunities, resources, and vehicles for student learning.