This paper is from Session 3G: Diversity in types of teaching at the tertiary level
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

Diversity and differentiated instruction and learning



Instructors of statistics have struggled with the wide range of preparation of the students coming into statistics classes. This can include the mathematical preparation in secondary school for the introductory statistics course. This wide range of experience is complicated by the fact that different students have different learning styles. This paper will look at the idea of differentiated learning that allows students with weaker backgrounds to look at additional materials (through Web interfaces) to help fill in the gaps in their backgrounds so that they can be successful with the statistical content presented. Differentiated learning can also allow better students to go beyond the core statistical content to investigate more advanced topics (again on their own through Web interfaces). These differentiated learning experiences can be tailored to fit students’ learning styles.