This paper is from Session 3G: Diversity in types of teaching at the tertiary level
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

How technology can help or complicate the teaching of statistics depending on the class size




Technology is part of the new reality in the educational system. Students use it, and teachers need to find new ways to engage students. Web 2.0 is the turning point in which the World Wide Web can be used to fully enhance the creativity of its users with its many instruments available, such as blogs, social-networking sites, video sharing sites and wiki pages, just to mention a few. The richness and diversity of subjects that Statistics encompasses, together with the WWW, creates an environment of excellence in which students play an active role in the entire learning process. It is our goal to show how the use of these new technologies can promote, in both small and large classes, the knowledge and understanding of statistics in an environment that, although tailored for each student, encourages the student to interact with his/her classmates, creating a vivid environment that enhances their learning potential.