This paper is from Session 3B: Pre-service preparation for primary teachers
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Tuesday 13th, 16:30-18:00)

Student teachers developing their knowledge about data handling using TinkerPlots




Ainley (1995) and Pratt (1995) suggest that more effective teaching in data handling can be developed using computer based activities in which students developed active processes of interpretation. TinkerPlots is an example of software which has different tools to handle data and allows students develop different strategies of interpretation (Konold & Miller, 2005). This study explored the use of TinkerPlots among 8 Brazilian primary student teachers who were taking an undergraduate education course. The volunteers participated in four research sessions in which we collect data about their background in data handling; proposed a reflection about data handling processes, explored TinkerPlots possibilities to handle data and shared what they had learnt from their participation. The results showed evidence of the role of TinkerPlots for processes of teacher education which aim for the development of data handling knowledge.