This paper is from Session 3A: Professional development of teachers
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 3: Learning to teach statistics

(Thursday 15th, 14:00-16:00)

Teaching primary teachers to teach statistical investigations: the uniqueness of initial experiences



Experience with statistical inquiry has been advocated in statistics education as vital for learners’ understandings of statistical processes. Research has suggested, however, that practices at the school level have focused almost solely on graphs and procedures. While important, these skills do not develop learners’ abilities to cope with the decisions that arise in the face of uncertainties and ambiguities that accompany statistical investigations. A longitudinal study in Australia researched experienced primary teachers’ evolving experiences in teaching statistical inquiry. This paper will report on the uniqueness of teachers’ early experiences in teaching statistical inquiry, an issue that emerged in the first three years of the study. Critical skills that teachers need to develop to teach statistical investigations that are often neglected in teacher professional development are discussed, including implications for research and teacher education.