This paper is from Session 2F: Making connections between educational research and teaching statistics at the school level
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

Teacher knowledge and confidence in grade 8 and 9 data handling and probability




This research reports on the profiling of teachers with regard to statistical knowledge, beliefs and confidence to inform the development of a professional development course for Grade 8 and 9 teachers. Poor TIMMS results and continuing disappointing mathematics results over the whole spectrum in South Africa necessitate more efficient professional development of in-service teachers. Watson’s profiling instrument (2001) was adapted and used to profile 90 mathematics teachers in Pretoria, South Africa. Although quite a number of these teachers attended professional development workshops and courses in statistics, they still teach traditionally, as opposed to a data driven approach using authentic data. Almost all teachers indicated high levels of confidence in teaching statistics but show low levels of statistical thinking when applying their knowledge in context.