Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

(Tuesday 13th, 14:00-16:00)

Making connections between educational research and teaching statistics at the school level



Although Topic 2 covers many areas related to statistics education at the school level, this session aims to consider issues directly related to the connections and interactions of research and teaching at the school level. Many researchers are aware of the difficulties of (i) relating the concepts in statistics (e.g., informal inference) to the current needs of the school curriculum, (ii) recruiting systems, schools, and teachers for statistics research projects that may not exactly reflect the current curriculum, (iii) developing long term relationships with teachers and schools for the carrying out of longitudinal statistics education studies, (iv) convincing systems to take up further implementation of promising statistical interventions after the funding for research runs out, and (v) being able to communicate outcomes from statistics education research and how they could be further applied, in a manner that is understandable to the school communities. These and other related issues are the focus of this session. Participants are invited to take a meta-view of their research and bring to the attention of ICOTS their dilemmas, successes, and failures in this area.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
2F1Teacher knowledge and confidence in grade 8 and 9 data handling and probabilityHelena Wessels (South Africa)
Hercules Nieuwoudt (South Africa)
2F2Helping teachers to make effective use of real-world examples in statisticsHelen Chick (Australia)
Robyn Pierce (Australia)
2F3Exploring relations of Vitruvian Man to develop students’ reasoning about variationCláudia Borim da Silva (Brazil)
Irene Cazorla (Brazil)
Verônica Yumi Kataoka (Brazil)
Sandra Magina (Brazil)
2F4Researchers cultivating a long-term relationship with schoolsAnthony Bill (Australia)