This paper is from Session 2B: Secondary-level statistical education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Helping mathematics teachers teach statistics: challenges and potentials



While in many countries Statistics is integrated into the Mathematics Curriculum many mathematics teachers still either view statistics with suspicion or tend to teach statistics in a very mathematical way. Various strategies to overcome these tensions are discussed and activities described and reviewed. Some of the challenges include; how to engage and interest mathematicians in statistics, how to show the differences between techniques and literacy, and how to persuade the teachers that maybe a different pedagogical approach should be taken when teaching statistics as opposed to mathematics. The author firmly believes that many of these challenges can be turned to potentials and that mathematics teachers are the right people to teach statistics in our secondary schools. They just need exposure to suitable activities and time to reflect on the similarities and differences between the subjects considering how to approach the teaching.