This paper is from Session 2B: Secondary-level statistical education
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at the school level

(Wednesday 14th, 11:00-13:00)

Data analysis: linking mathematics, science, and social studies



The topic of data analysis is usually found in the mathematics school curriculum and seldom elsewhere. Perhaps this is so because the subject is so often viewed narrowly as a body of techniques and formulas, and not as an investigative problem-solving process that begins with asking a meaningful question for which data will be required to help develop an answer. It is completely natural when the subject of data analysis is viewed in this broader problem-solving process sense to look across the school curriculum, especially in science and social studies, to find contexts in which rich, interesting questions may be formulated. This paper suggests some examples that may be used in the school classroom discussions of the integration of mathematics, science, and social studies through data analysis.