This paper is from Session 1A: Evidence-based medicine
Full topic list
which comes under Topic 1: Data and context in statistics education: towards an evidence-based society

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

Divergent needs of learners in evidence based medicine



Those who are actively engaged in health research expand the evidence base which, it is hoped, is used by all. In contrast, end-users of that evidence base must appropriate it, with some critical appraisal and interpretation for patients. Therefore, the statistical needs of researchers and users of evidence are not always the same. But the statistical education all too often is. Initial statistics teaching is typically focused on the demands of undergraduate degree courses. The mismatch of this education and later needs is a problem that grows in significance during a career, with many healthcare researchers having limited opportunity to undertake further training in statistics, and practitioners getting none. The diverse statistical needs of these two groups, and the challenges to how and what we might teach are discussed, drawing on experiences teaching undergraduate students, providing training to practitioners, and active involvement in health research.