This paper is from Session 10E: The role that National Statistics Offices play in promoting statistics literacy
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which comes under Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

The lecture series “Economic statistics: data production and data analysis in the official statistics” from the Federal Statistical Office




Since winter semester 2007/2008, the Federal Statistical Office offers the lecture series “Economic Statistics. Data Production and data analysis in the official statistics” to lead advanced students to the official statistics. The lecture presents methodological aspects of the official statistics and the extensive possibilities of empirical analyzing. The lecture deals with the essential tasks, concepts and problems of official statistic. Measuring theoretical concepts to describe reality is one part of the lecture; another one is sampling theory, which is necessary to understand the design of different sample methods. Furthermore, the lecture presents the main surveys as well as their expressiveness and limits. Working with absolute anonymous micro data, the students learn about the potential of analyzing official data for their own scientific work. Using such files students can make their own analysis and simulation. The lecture finishes with a written examination, which result is included in the students’ final score.