Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 10: An international perspective on statistics education

(Monday 12th, 11:00-12:30)

The role that National Statistics Offices play in promoting statistics literacy



For many developing countries, the urgency to develop mathematics education and statistical education in mathematics has been spurred by the after-effects of an interruption of a historically-founded culture of counting. In many cases, there is evidence to suggest a conscious de-emphasizing of the teaching of Mathematics which has in many ways affected levels of statistical literacy. Yet many efforts have been made to start to redress the alarming statistical literacy at school level and in the public domain. The role of the National Statistical Office becomes very critical in this campaign.

This session will bring in a diverse panel of presenters from National Statistical Offices across diverse cultural backgrounds, representation from the media and an educator with experience in statistical literacy. The session will be used as an opportunity to interrogate some of the key issues and challenges that arise in promoting statistical literacy with a view to bringing together a common understanding of how the various stakeholders can work cooperatively towards promoting statistical literacy while evaluating the most effective role that the National Statistical Office can play.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
10E1Beyond the data: exploiting the IT tools young and adult people use in their everyday lifePaola Giacché (Italy)
Giovanni A Barbieri (Italy)
10E2The lecture series “Economic statistics: data production and data analysis in the official statistics” from the Federal Statistical OfficeMarkus Zwick (Germany)
Tim Hochguertel (Germany)
10E3Statistical literacy assessment and training of government personnel using data from National Statistics Office: Philippine contextEnriqueta Reston (Philippines)