Full topic list
This is a session of Topic 5: Assessment in statistics education

(Monday 12th, 16:30-18:00)

Assessing statistical literacy and critical understanding of real-world messages related to statistics, probability, and risk



Gone are the days when only a limited number of students needed to understand statistics so that they could read journal articles and/or conduct research. Teaching students how to find means, do t-tests, fit regression models and so on, and then assessing whether they could do them, was relatively straightforward. In today’s world, it is increasingly important for all educated citizens to understand statistical ideas in order to make informed decisions in their everyday lives. Much has been written about how to teach these ideas. But how do we know if students understand them? More importantly, how do we know if the educated public understands the statistical information in their lives? This session will explore ways in which statistical information can be communicated to students and to the public, and ways to assess whether or not they understand it.


PaperTitlePresenter(s) / Author(s)
5E1Assessing the interpretation of two-way tables as part of statistical literacyJane Watson (Australia)
Erica Nathan (Australia)
5E2It’s not what you know, it’s recognising the power of what you know: assessing understanding of utilityJanet Ainley (United Kingdom)
Dave Pratt (United Kingdom)
5E3Post secondary and adult statistical literacy: assessing beyond the classroomJennifer Kaplan (United States)
Justin Thorpe (United States)