This paper is from Session 3A: Statistics instructors’ content knowledge
which comes under Topic 3: Education and development of staff who teach statistics

Developing pre-service teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of sampling
- Maria Meletiou-Mavrotheris (European University Cyprus, Cyprus)
- Efi Paparistodemou (Ministry of Education, Cyprus)
- Irene Kleanthous (Cyprus Ministry of Education, Cyprus)
This research sought to explore and improve pre-service primary school teachers’ statistical knowledge for teaching informal ideas related to samples and sampling through the conduct of a two-phase exploratory study. In Phase I, a randomly selected sample of n=42 teacher candidates completed an open-ended questionnaire designed to assess their reasoning about sampling concepts and their understanding of student thinking in this area. Insights gained informed the design and implementation of a teaching experiment within an undergraduate mathematics methods course, which aimed at enhancing the participating primary school teachers’ (n=8) technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of sampling. Findings from Phase II indicate a positive impact on participants’ TPACK of sampling and other key ideas related to informal inferential statistics.