This paper is from Session 2G: Linking research and practice in teaching and learning statistics at the school level
which comes under Topic 2: Statistics education at school level

Teachers as key stakeholders in research in statistics education
- Michael Shaughnessy (Portland State University, United States)
Teachers and practitioners of statistics are an underutilized resource in research in statistics education. Historically practitioners have tended to be viewed as consumers of research by the educational research community rather than active participants in the generation of new knowledge about the teaching and learning of statistics. Recently researchers in mathematics education have begun to involve teachers more as key stakeholders in research in an effort to forge closer links between research and practice. A discussion of what it means for teachers to be key stakeholders in research is provided, along with some examples from recent research that involve teachers as key stakeholders. Research in statistics education can enrich the links between research and practice in teaching statistics by involving statistics teachers as key stakeholders.