At this stage, the list of “participants” reflects people that are connected in some way with the conference. Once registrations start, it will correspond more correctly with actual participants.
Choose start of surname:
Ál Ag Ai Al Am An Ar As Aw Ba Be Bi Bl Bo Br Bu Ca Ch Cl CoCr Cu D Da De Di Do Du Dy Ec Ed Ei El En Er Es Ev Fa Fe Fi
Fl Fo Fr Fu Ga Ge Gi Go Gr Gu Ha He Ho Hu Hw In Is Iw Ja Ji
Jo Ju Ka Ke Ki Kl Ko Kr Ku La Le Li Lo Ly Ma Mb Mc Me Mi Mo
Mp Mu Na Nd Ne Ng Ni Nk No O Oe Og Ok Ol Or Ot Ov Pa Pe Pf
Ph Pi Po Pr Pu Qu Ra Re Ri Ro Ru Ry Sa Sc Se Sh Si Sm So Sp
St Sw Ta Te Th Ti To Tr Ty Um Us Ut Va Ve Vi Vo Wa We Wh Wi
Wr Xi Ya Yo Yu Za Ze Zh Zi
Others in this part of the alphabet:
Dennis PearlTamara Pearson
Maria Pia Perelli D’Argenzio
Lejla Perviz
Susan Peters
Peter Petocz
Nicola Ward Petty
Name: | Roxy Peck |
Country: | United States |
Email: | rpeck@calpoly.edu |
Webpage: | statweb.calpoly.edu/Peck/ |
Affiliation: | Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo |
Committees: | Local organising committee International programme committee |
Chairing: | Plenary 1 (Thu 09:15) |
Registered participant |